Z ASIS projektom, sofinanciranim s strani Interreg Alpine Space programa, bomo s pomočjo močnega partnerstva poskrbeli za razvoj strateških usmeritev pri vzpostavljanju družbenih inovacij v Alpski regiji.

Enajst priznanih partnerjev, ki pokrivajo celotno Alpsko regijo, se bo osredotočilo na področje specifičnega cilja 1 krepitve inovacij v Alpski regiji. Vsebina projekta bo vezana na področje vzpostavitve strategije za pospeševanje družbenih inovacij. Cilj projekta je, da se v regiji razišče področje družbenega inoviranja, ustrezno predstavi razumevanje in neposredno vključi v izvajanje čim več ključnih deležnikov.

Kot končni rezultat projekta pa bomo postaviti konkretne predloge, na osnovi katerih se bodo lahko oblikovale nadaljnje lokalne, regionalne in nacionalne politike, s katerimi bo mogoče trajnostno spodbujati področje družbenih inovacij.

Poleg projektnih partnerjev bo v izvajanje vključenih še 16 vplivnih opazovalcev kot so pristojna ministrstva, občine, regionalne razvojne inštitucije, predstavniki mest in druge podporne inštitucije.

Trajanje projekta: 17. aprila 2018 – 16. aprila 2021

Sredstva: ERDF – 1.528.326,58 EUR, Lastna sredstva – 269.704,73 EUR, SKUPAJ – 1.798.031,31 EUR

Univerza Lyon 2 (Francija)

vsebinski koordinator

Oxalis (Francija)

finančni koordinator

Fachhochschule Koroška (Avstrija)

projektni partner

Villacher Strasse l
9800 Spittal an der Drau


Steinbeis 2i (Nemčija)

projektni partner

Kienestrasse 35
70174 Stuttgart


RA Kozjansko (Slovenija)

projektni partner

Development Agency Kozjansko
Ulica Skladateliev Ipavcev 17
3230 Šentjur


Občina Torino (Italija)

projektni partner

City of Turin
European Funds and innovation service
Corso Ferrucci 122
10141 Torino


Gospodarska zbornica Torino (Italija)

projektni partner

Via Caric Alberto 16
10123 Torino

Mesto Lyon (Francija)

projektni partner

Cityof Lyon
Place de la Comedie
69001 Lyon


Amadeus association

projektni partner



projektni partner


Center Noordung (Slovenija)

projektni partner

Center Noordung
Na Vasi 18
3205 Vitanje SLOVENIJA


priključenih opazovalcev




Social innovation general definition 

  • A new answer to social needs or societal challenges, met by Alp area, regardless of the nature of innovation (technology, services, new uses…),
  • Through a collaborative approach that involves beneficiaries, users and affected stake holders,
  • That has a positive, sustainable and measurable impact.


Possible levels of applications

  • Social needs and societal challenges* (ecological issues must be linked to social need or challenge?) Cf. WPT2
  • Positive impact
  • Sustainable impact
  • Measurable impacts
  • Beneficiaries/users


Social innovation processes

Social innovation impact

  • What are the criteria? (definition)
  • What are the indicators? (evaluation)


Social innovation criteria

We need to agree on the definition of each of these elements:

  • Level of newness / concept of innovation
  • Social dimension
  • Ecological (environmental) dimension.


How do we consider this question of environment? Either as a separate condition if we consider ecology and social innovation are closely related or do we only consider the environment aspect when it is clearly linked to a social need, as suggested (cf. WPT2)

Social impact measurement

We suggest to determine 2 or 3 simple key elements easy to operate to measure social impact and to consider time of observation.

  • Level of complexity. Logical course of action doesn’t allow complex models. Cf. WP4. (some simple tools have been developed by AVISE and other organisations).

>   Social impact existing tools benchmark

  • Duration: Immediate impact/medium term and long-term impact and connection between impact in time.
  • Effectiveness/efficiency (= effectiveness + level of mobilized resources)
  • Side effects/unexpected effects (on observed population or another population)

Assumption: An action cannot be presented as a positive impact if it induces a negative impact otherwise)

Further notes:

Considering issues encountered by invited actors to fill online survey, it might be relevant to anticipate an awareness program (videos, testimonies…) before implementing training and social innovation schools.



Report on a shared ASP strategy framework – Deliverable D.T2.3.1 (From axes of cooperation and development on SI between Alpine Space to proposition of a shared ASP strategy framework on SI)

The Alpine Area’s 450 thousand square kilometers is home to an estimated 70 million inhabitants, but a place where over 40% of the regions is scarcely populated. As emerged from partners’ territorial analysis, it is a territory with very different economic, social and environmental features, in which ASIS partner developed very different SI initiatives to respond to local challenges. Shortly they are:
• Increase the capacity to respond to economic globalization, increasing the innovation capacity and sustainable competitivity;
• Address an ageing population, demographic changes due to immigration;
• Improve living conditions in urban areas, particularly in low-income neighborhoods;
• Address climate change and its consequences on economic sectors, on living conditions, on environment and biodiversity;
• Improve the governance to reduce socio-economic gap between urban, rural and mountain areas;
• Develop enterprises and job opportunities in the inner areas of the Alpine regions;
• Guarantee energy supply, aligned with EU goals, even in the less accessible areas;
• Improve mobility and accessibility in the inner areas, in sustainable ways;
• Incentives to a low CO2 emissions economy based on the enhancement of local resources.

Given this framework, and considering partners’ guidance, the document will propose cooperation axes in relation to Social Innovation (SI) among the Alpine regions.

Link to full report


Analysis of State of the art of public policies in ASP region (Deliverable D.T5.1)

In this analysis we try to map ASP regions policies that support social innovation and research what each country or region has done and how it has progressed in implementing the policies. We will see that we cannot talk about one common SI policy as a EU SI policy. Each country and possibly each region have their own way of addressing social challenges and different stakeholders are implementing social innovations.

In recent years, social innovation has become an increasingly prominent concept employed by political leaders and administrations across the world. In 2003, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) supported a range of initiatives and research to promote inclusive entrepreneurship and improve social cohesion through the identification and dissemination of local innovations. Innovation has been of enduring interest and concern for European Union (EU) policy for many years (Borzaga and Bodini 2014), but since the late 1990s social innovation in particular has captured the political interest of supranational organisations and domestic actors (Pol and Ville 2009; Grisolia and Ferragina 2015). In the EU, social innovation has been positioned as a solution to both old and new social risks at a time of heightened uncertainty and pressure on public administrations and finances (Bonoli 2005; OECD 2011; Sinclair and Baglioni 2014). It seems clear that this considerable interest in social innovation has been intimately linked to the Great Recession, structural unemployment and the social challenges arising as a result (European Commission 2014a). Indeed, a key feature of the Europe 2020 strategy was to facilitate and embed social innovation across Europe to ‘deliver the kind of inclusive and sustainable social market economy we all want to live in’ (BEPA 2010: 16).

Social innovations are new ideas that meet social needs, create social relationships and form new collaborations. These innovations can be products, services or models addressing unmet needs more effectively. The European Commission’s objective is to encourage market uptake of innovative solutions and stimulate employment.


Link to full report


Methodologies definition to improve existing and develop new policies to support SI (Deliverable D.T5.2.1)

The following paper is part of an ASIS project work package 5, where in action 2 we are designing new strategic policies on social innovation (SI) at regional and local level. Below you will be able to see methods for five pilot areas, namely France (Department of Isere), Italy (City of Torino), Germany (Region Baden-Wuerttemberg), Austria (Region of Carinthia) and Slovenia. Methods are defined for the creation of the framework for the improvement of existing policies and development of new policies that are better responding to the needs of social innovation and stakeholders promoting SI.

The basic frame for the methodology was proposed by the lead partner in this work package on the basis of which each country adapted the methodology to its specific conditions.

In this deliverable we are trying to define methodologies to implement a bottom up approach that will help to create an adequate framework for development of suitable support policies for SI.

The proposed common methodology is presented in steps that are defined below:

Step 1: Conduct the State of the art of SI policies in each ASP territory to see which challenges have already been addressed.

Step 2: Consult target groups with the help of a questionnaire to later propose new policy orientations, instruments and methods.

Step 3: Workshops with target groups to test most relevant existing instruments and to create recommendations for new policies.

Link to full paper.


How to assess a project with ASIS evaluation tool?

CUAS University, within the frame of the ASIS project, has developed a software that facilitates the selection of promising projects with social impact. This instrument has been designed to compare new projects with existing social innovation projects in the Alpine space.
After entering information from the application, the outcome sheet displays the values of the proposal compared with successful existing projects, giving some hints about the likelihood of success, or what should be adjusted.
This tool can be used in the framework of the distribution of funding schemes at national, regional and local level, but also at European level.

We offer you two options to get and use this instrument.

< The tool is available on line, by clicking on the link: Evaluation tool
< You can also download the tool here : Download

To help you use this software, we have prepared a handbook, available in 5 different languages.


Link to more info on ASIS evaluation tool.

ASIS traings.

Why ASIS trainings?

The ASIS (Alpine Social Innovation Strategy) project aims to launch, develop and promote Social Innovation (SI) as a new vision of innovation in the Alpine space area.
We want to make an impact in all alpine countries by disseminating the project results to relevant stakeholders so that actors implementing social innovation projects can benefit from the concrete findings of the project. For this reason, the project developed online trainings which will transfer new knowledge created in the thematic work packages of the project. These materials are accessible to the public on the ASIS platform.

The online trainings are designed in a way that all interested stakeholders can go through them independently and benefit from the learning experience at their own pace. They consist of a presentation, one or more videos to consolidate the training content as well as a quiz which allows trainings participants to test the knowledge they acquired through following the training.

Who are the trainings for?

The ASIS online trainings are designed to disseminate project findings to Public Authorities, sectorial agencies, business support organisations, companies as well as higher education and research institutes. Each training entails a short introduction describing the objectives and target groups of the respective training.

How are the materials developed?

All ASIS trainings are developed in a joint participatory approach. Based on the project’s research activities, the ASIS project partners defined 8 topics for online trainings. Each partner developed a concept for their respective training topic.

In February 2020, all ASIS partners came together in Karlsruhe, Germany, to discuss the partners’ concepts in an interactive workshop. Stakeholders from different regions were also invited to provide input to the proposed concepts. All partners proceeded to develop their trainings with the support of the work package leader Steinbeis 2i and feedback from other partners.

During a 3-month testing phase, the trainings are available to a selected group of stakeholders who will provide feedback to the developed materials. The feedback will be evaluated by the means of a grid analysis which will serve as a basis for a final improvement of the materials.

All trainings will be available on the ASIS platform in 5 languages (English, French, Italian, German, Slovenian) in February 2021.

Link to more info on ASIS trainings.


Social Innovation Academy – February & March 2021

With the ASIS Social Innovation Academy, we intend to explain our new vision of innovation. We aim to present the tools with which social innovation can be implemented more successfully. But above all, we hope you will become inspired from concrete examples and start supporting social innovation in your territory as well as start developing an action plan to implement a social innovation strategy into your organization, city, region or country.
What is the Social Innovation Academy?
The Social Innovation Academy is a comprehensive training program, structured around three modules, that will be organized by ASIS partners in each country: Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.Why attending?It is a great opportunity to acquire new or complementary knowledge about social innovation.
What are the main learning objectives of the Social Innovation Academy?

  • Get to know each other (transnational actors in the social innovation ecosystem)
  • Get to know the current state of social innovation in Alpine region
  • Become actors and ambassadors of social innovation
  • To be able to define the new vision of ‘classical’ innovation as social innovation
  • To present the tools with which social innovation can be implemented more successfully
  • Become inspired from concrete examples of social innovation in the Alpine Space Region
  • Start supporting social innovation in your territory
  • Start developing an action plan to implement a social innovation strategy into your organization, city, region or country.

For whom?

You have some responsibilities within your local, regional or national authorities, you are in charge of the economic development of territories, you are an entrepreneur or you simply want to move the lines within your organization? Attend our sessions and become an actor of this new vision of innovation!
You are all invited to join to make change happen!

SI ACADEMY BOOK (Download here): Social Innovation School Book


WPT5 – ASIS Country Specific Public Policy Guide to Support Social Innovation

The following document represents policy recommendations that were developed by the partners of all project regions in their local and regional context. The development of the recommendations was undertaken with the help of various methods in a multi-stage, iterative process including expert interviews, workshops with stakeholders and discussions within the project consortium.In the following, the derived recommendations as well as a short overview of the measure / good practice they are based on are presented. Finally, possible measures and actions are outlined and assigned to one of the three axes of cooperation that were developed in previous ASIS deliverables, and expected results are listed.Dowload the document here: ASIS Country Specific Public Policy Guide to Support Social Innovation


WPT5 – Logical framework for the implementation of new ASIS policies and instruments to support Social Innovation

This document is the bridge between the local and transnational level of ASIS public policy recommendations. With the logical framework at hand we aim at integrating the new policies and instruments into an Alpine Space shared strategy to support Social Innovation.Download the document here: Logical framework for the implementation of new ASIS policies and instruments to support Social Innovation


WPT5 – A Shared Social Innovation Strategy for the Alpine Space Region

This document “A Shared Social Innovation Strategy for the Alpine Space Region” was produced at the end of the 3-year Interreg project ASIS (Alpine Social Innovation Strategy) to present our conclusions and contributions addressed to public actors to help them better support Social Innovation.

Download the document here: A Shared Social Innovation Strategy for the Alpine Space Region


Participate in the Alpine Social Innovation Day – April 1st

How Social Innovation can change innovation, cooperation and public action?

To celebrate the completion of the ASIS Interreg project, the 10 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia, are honored to invite you to the Alpine Social Innovation Day on April 1st.
This international event will host conferences,workshopsnetworking activities, to discuss how Social Innovation changes cooperation and public action.

On this occasion, three different workshops will be organized in the morning, questioning how Social Innovation can change 1/ our vision of innovation, 2/ our public policies, 3/ our forms of cooperation. In the afternoon, the three proposed workshops will address how Social Innovation can change 1/ our funding schemes, 2/ our ways to measure social impact and finally 3/ our ways to create social value and to build business models.
During these sessions, we will welcome some engaging testimonials, highlight some interesting European pilot experimentations and share the most relevant ASIS project outputs.

Additionally, several networking activities will be open all day long, to meet virtually, in a friendly atmosphere.

Register here: Participate in the Alpine Social Innovation Day – April 1st





Social innovation IN THE ALPINE SPACE

Social Innovation can be the answer to some of the main economic, social and environmental challenges faced by the planet.
The ASIS project aims to better understand, encourage and support Social Innovation within the alpine region.
MORE: ASIS – Social innovation strategy


Novice ASIS

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14. JUNIJ 2019

Prvi novičnik projekta ASIS je izšel. Vse vljudno vabimo k prebiranju.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan in metus vitae consectetur. Suspendisse vel diam a velit scelerisque ullamcorper eget eget massa. Praesent vel efficitur eros. Vestibulum maximus lectus aliquet nunc ultricies commodo. Aenean eget ante nisi. Quisque feugiat semper sem, et rhoncus eros sollicitudin eleifend. Mauris congue laoreet odio quis faucibus. Nulla dictum, mauris a laoreet mollis, augue tellus fringilla justo, vitae malesuada neque erat vel leo. Aliquam porttitor hendrerit tortor vitae consequat. Vivamus at finibus tortor.

Morbi luctus imperdiet aliquet. Morbi augue ipsum, scelerisque vitae nulla vestibulum, ornare ultrices elit. Maecenas aliquet arcu in egestas iaculis. Sed hendrerit elit nisl, sit amet auctor purus tincidunt nec. Maecenas ac maximus mi, at bibendum nisl. Mauris ullamcorper mauris at tellus consectetur ultricies. Nullam risus mauris, mattis a eleifend in, lobortis vitae sem. Ut euismod dignissim ipsum, ac ornare ipsum sodales id. Ut nulla urna, luctus et mauris ut, dictum tincidunt massa. Nulla sit amet imperdiet libero, eget ultrices libero. In eget pellentesque arcu. Nullam sed lacus vitae massa volutpat cursus vitae sit amet mi.


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