DOORS – Digital Incubator for Museums comes to support museums at a moment in which attitudes towards the digitalisation of the sector are changing. The accelerated pace of technological and digital developments and the pressure coming from the competition with on-demand content creates not only haunting insecurity but also a strong desire for change in the sector. Regarded with less scepticism, the digital transformation of museums is now seen as a necessary, urgent, even exciting endeavour. It’s time to develop strategies that incorporate the digital into the DNA of institutions to foster pro-active, rather than reactive digital transformations.
To redesign cultural spaces and services and their relationship with museum audiences means to decode existing dynamics within them. In response, DOORS wants to support museums in developing future-proof strategies that recode these dynamics both to seamlessly integrate technology and to enrich the online and onsite cultural offer.
Noordung VR Observatory Experience
Center Noordung in Slovenia sets out to offer its visitors a live experience of space using VR, immersive, AR and intermedia applications. The digital experience of space will include travelling through deep space – including the Hubble telescope images (nebula, galaxies, stars etc.) and new James Webb telescope results, and an exploration of the planets of our Solar system. In addition to this, the AR mobile application will translate the VR experiences into gamification components.